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Over 1.4 million pigs per year - professional expertise

At our abattoir (CE 17), we slaughter 25,000 – 35,000 pigs per week. On an annual basis, this amounts to approx. 1.4 million animals. These figures make us one of the biggest abattoirs in Belgium.

What makes us special


Competitive edge

We slaughter Debra-Meat pigs (CE 17/1), but also allow third parties to slaughter pigs in our facilities under market conditions.

  • Required certificates 

  • Major export opportunities 

  • Concern for animal welfare

  • Superior quality product

European classification system

On the slaughter line, the pigs are classified according to the SEUROP European classification system. The quality grade of a carcass is determined very accurately using the AutoForm measurement tool.

Sides of pork are also graded manually once per year. Our experts assess each cut down to the finest detail. This enables us to assign sides of pork to the slaughter line for each individual customer, according to the following key criteria:

  • Export value

  • Weight

  • Meat and fat percentage 

  • Muscle mass

  • Fat thickness

Each side of pork is then assigned a unique CE number - CE17 – which stands for guaranteed quality, food safety and animal welfare!


Day-to-day monitoring

The slaughtering process is monitored every day by 21 external veterinary pork inspectors appointed by the Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain. 

Our expert in-house team provides assistance by monitoring the process in detail.


We are keen to keep investing all the time.  As a result, our slaughter hall is fitted with innovative and appropriate equipment, which enables us to supply a high quality product. 

Rapid cooling

Our cooling department represents a major asset. We can reach an ideal temperature within a very short time, which is vital from a bacteriological point of view and an absolute must in terms of generally keeping meat products fresh.

By-product processing facility

In our separate production unit, we process the red and white organs. We separate the different sections according to the current regulations. After completing the packaging process, we can sell the organs either fresh or frozen. 

The products are chilled and packaged in separate facilities, in order to prevent any contamination. This department enables us to respond fully to demand from the European and Asian markets. 

We have now been processing small intestines for the same customer for 60 years, which is an excellent example of our reliability and continuity.

Scientific contribution

We also contribute to the world of science and voluntarily support any form of research and practice, for example, by collecting data for the University of Ghent. 

We have already participated in the following studies:

  • Yersinia study

  • Impact of food additives on the reduction of salmonella

  • Supply of products for surgical exercises 

  • Ideal delivery weight for pigs 

  • Boarval study, slaughter of boars in the production chain 

  • Salmonella study

  • Food testing

  • Sustainability throughout the chain